We get asked this question a lot so we figured we would create an information page on our website to answer this fully for those who may ask.
Every time you purchase anything online with your credit card there is a merchant service set up on that website that allows that website to accept credit card payments. We use Paypal as our merchant service to process credit cards. We do not use any other merchant service to process credit cards. You do not need to have a Paypal account to purchase with us. We have described below how to purchase with your credit card. It is the Paypal company that is processing your credit card for us.
We can always sent you an invoice if the shopping cart is giving you trouble and you can pay this invoice with your credit card. Again You do not need to have a Paypal account to pay this invoice. It is the Paypal company that is processing your credit card for us.
We use Paypal as our payment processing service. You can pay with Paypal at checkout. If you do not have a Paypal account, you can use a credit card at checkout by clicking on the black button that says “Pay with Debit or credit Card”. These instructions are also written on the checkout page. This will open up a new payment window where Paypal, acting as a merchant service, will allow you to use your credit card to pay.
If for any reason you are having technical issues with making a payment, please contact us and we can email you an invoice that can be paid online. We use Paypal to provide this merchant service as well and you do not need a Paypal account to pay the invoice, you can pay with a credit card.
We do not accept checks or money orders as Paypal is the most secure and efficient way to process your order. If you would like to place your order over the phone we can call you and create an invoice for you, however this invoice will need to be paid via an online Paypal transaction with your credit card or Paypal account. We do not take credit card numbers over the phone.